天津市丁字沽一号路8号 300130
E-mail地址: xuxuewen@hebut.edu.cn
2010   河北工业大学材料物理与化学   博士
2004.7- 至今  河北工业大学材料学院  教师
1) Xu Xuewen, Li Yangxian, Zhu Jiaoqun, Mei Bingchu. Synthesis, structure and properties of Ti3(SixAl1-x)C2 solid solution. Key Engineering Materials, 2008, 368- 372: 992
2) Xu Xuewen, Li Yangxian, Mei Bingchu, Zhu Jiaoqun, Liu Heyan, Qu Jingping. Study on the isothermal oxidation behaviors in air of Ti3AlC2 sintered by hot pressing. Science in China E, 2006, 49 (5): 513
3) Xu Xuewen, Li Yangxian, Zhu Jiaoqun, Mei Bingchu. Fabrication of monolithic bulk Ti3AlC2 and impurity measurement by K-value method. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2006, 16: 490
4) Xu Xuewen, Li Yangxian, Zhu Jiaoqun, Mei Bingchu. High-temperature oxidation behavior of Ti3AlC2 in air. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China. 2006, 16: 869
5) Xu Xuewen, Li Yangxian, Zhou Weibing, Zhu Jiaoqun and Mei Bingchu. Electronic structures and chemical bonding of the layered tungsten borides: an ab initio calculation. Key Engineering Materials, in press
6) Tang Chengchun, Xu Xuewen, Hu Long, Li Yangxian. Improved field emission properties of GaN nanowires by oxide coating. Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 94: 243105
7) Liu Heyan Li Yangxian, Xu Xuewen, Chen Guifeng, Zhao Shuwen, Qu Jingping, Chen Jinglan, Wu Guangheng. The effect of boron on the structure and magnetic properties of Pr0.15Tb0.3Dy0.55Fe1.85 alloy. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2006, 296 (2): 114-117
8) Li Ying, Wang Tianxiang, Liu Heyan, Xu Xuewen, Lu Zunming, Li Yangxian. The study of spin ordering in the FM/AFM bilayers with a mixed interface. European Physical Journal B, 2008, 66 (3): 369-373
9) Jianling Zhao, Xixin Wang, Yingru Kang, Xuewen Xu, Yangxian Li. Photoelectrochemical Activities of W-Doped Titania Nanotube Arrays Fabricated by Anodization. Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, 2008, 20 (14): 1213-1215
10) Yangxian Li, Pingjuan Niu, Long Hu, Xuewen Xu and Cencun Tang. Monochromatic blue-green and red emission of rare-earth ions in MgGa2O4 spinel. Journal of Luminescence, 2009, 129 (10): 1204-1206


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